A group of students inspired by Joel S Goldsmith's The Infinite Way message
to experience the Presence of God, through Tape and Book Classes, Dedicated Study and Meditation.
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Quotes from Joel Goldsmith that guide this group
Evening Meditations
The Daily Lesson by Al Denninger
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Infinite Way Students of the Ozarks


Wet Sand - Original Art by GeorgeDenninger.com

"As we attain even a degree of realization
that God has incarnated Himself as our very being,
that we are the temple of God and God dwells in us,
we begin to draw unto ourselves from out of the world
those who are traveling in the same direction,
those whose goal is to dwell in the household of God,
the Temple not made with hands.
The invisible bond with which we are bound together
is our conscious union with God, and because of our realized oneness,
we draw to ourselves out of the world
all those with any measure of love for God." ~Joel S Goldsmith

Infinite Way Practitioner - Infinite Way Teacher

Al Denninger
PO Box 3
Ava, MO 65608


God's Work is never copyrighted. Freely ye have received, freely give.

Rev 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.